How Much Dmg Does Mccree Do

McCree is a revolver-wielding BAMF in Overwatch. His precision shots and quick draw skills will make any fan of westerns and cowboys delighted. His play style revolves (heh) around using his skills and attacks together.

McCree can do massive damage with his peacekeeper by either firing accurately or by 'fanning the hammer'. Learn McCree's stats at Overwatch Guide. May 29, 2018  Honestly really curious about the reasoning behind the minimum dmg of 21 on Mccree’s left click. I personally don’t understand this number. Where does it come from? What is it based on? 34 as minimum dmg (in my opinion!) would make much more sense. It would allow for 6 bodyhit kills on long range or 3 headshots on range (on 200hp targets ofc). Which is still incredibly fair cuz who apart. Apr 07, 2016  Over time it's likely that Blizzard will do a little light tinkering with some of these values - much as they have done already during Overwatch's closed and open beta phases - particularly if certain Heroes come to dominate the overall roster of characters. I've never had a McCree use a Nano, he's not very high on my list. High noons too easy to counter, and Nano Blade or Nano Visor are too good. That's not why I was saying that though. Screw his ultimate. All he needs is one good shot. I agree it's not as good as Nano Blade though. High noon is the least understood ultimate in the game.

If you like pistols, westerns, or want somebody with great skill and weapon synergy, McCree is the guy for you. I'll go over what you need to know to become great gunslinger.

This guide will cover everything about the hero McCree in Overwatch including:

  • McCree Basic Info - A little of McCree's background and descriptions of his abilities.
  • McCree Combat Tips - Tips for using McCree effectively.

How Much Damage Does Mccree Do

McCree Basic Info

Jesse McCree started as an outlaw in the Deadlock Gang, which did illegal activities in the American southwest. After he was busted one day by Overwatch, he was given a choice -- to go to jail or use his expert skills in Blackwatch, Overwatch's covert ops division.

How Much Dmg Does Mccree Do

He eventually came to enjoy his new job and thought he could make up for his past crimes, until Overwatch began to lose influence. Some of Blackwatch began to try to take down Overwatch, and McCree wanted no part in the upcoming battle.

After he left, he became a mercenary years later and only took jobs he believes are justified.



  • Peacekeeper - His main weapon is a revolver that shoots single, powerful, and accurate shots with the primary fire button.
    • His alternate wildly shoots all bullets in quick succession.
  • Flashbang - Throws a grenade a short distance in front of him that briefly stuns all enemies.
  • Combat Roll - Rolls in the direction you are moving and instantly reloads your gun.
  • (Ultimate Ability) Deadeye - Press the button, then target enemies for a short time. Afterwards, press the ultimate button or primary fire button to shoot all enemies you targeted in that time.

McCree Combat Tips

McCree is an offense character and only job is to attack and defeat enemies. You can just shoot and use his alt. fire, Fan the Hammer, but using his skills correctly makes him much more effective.

This quick instruction will help any-one to make a Bootable MacOS Catalina Installer.ISO and.DMG images in MacOS and Windows. MacOS Catalina.ISO is needed for installing Catalina into a virtual machine using VMWare and Virtual box and other purposes. A.dmg file is kind of like an USB stick in a file and can be handled more or less the same way. To install from a.dmg file you usually do the following: double click the.dmg to make its content available (name will show up in the Finder sidebar), usually a window opens showing the content as well. Nov 16, 2018  Step 1. Launch Disk Utility in Mac from Applications Utilities. Open a Finder window and double-click on the DMG file to mount it. You should be able to see it on the left panel in Disk Utility. Right-click the DMG file in the left panel and select 'Convert'. How to make installable dmg from a directory. Oct 17, 2019  Creating a 'DMG installer' for OS X. A DMG Installer is convenient way to provide end-users a simple way to install an application bundle. They are basically a folder with a shortcut to the Applications directory but they can be customized with icons, backgrounds, and layout properties.

  • Learn how his abilities work
    • Flashbang, Combat Roll, and Fan the Hammer all work well if done correctly and in the right order.
    • An example is to start with Flashbang so they can't move, then use Fan the Hammer since you can easily hit with all 6 shots now.
    • After that, Combat Roll because it instantly reloads the gun, then you can use another Fan the Hammer.
    • This lets McCree do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
  • Fan the Hammer is used for close quarters combat
    • Unloading all your shots quickly does a great deal of damage, but it is not accurate and not ideal for long-range.
    • If you aren't close to the enemy, use the normal shots.
  • Deadeye does more damage based on how long you target the enemy
    • While you target someone in Deadeye, stay on them until you see a skull icon. This means that when you fire, you will kill them.
    • Do this for as many people as you can so you can take them all out instead of just dealing damage to them.
  • Position yourself correctly for Deadeye
    • You never want to use Deadeye in the middle of a battlefield or in easy view of your enemy since you are an easy target while doing it.
    • Get a good angle for you to safely target people and never use it where and enemy can easily get behind cover.
  • Don't hesitate to use Combat Roll
    • Even though it is good for reloading, Combat Roll is amazing for escaping danger and making yourself hard to hit.

That's all for my tips on using McCree in Overwatch. Let me know if you have any questions!

Overwatch Basics Guide

This guide will cover how headshots work in Overwatch along with a chart showing you which hero abilities do headshots or not.

Overwatch Basics

In This Guide:
Hero Introductions
Game Mechanics
Headshots Guide
Game Modes
Hitpoint Basics
Terms & Definitions


Overwatch has headshots. Headshots do twice the damage as a normal shot. While playing you can tell if you did a headshot if your crosshair has red flairs coming from it, as shown below:

May 26, 2017  AFTER - Average temp of my m.2 card is now 29 degrees C, while not a lot cooler, it is cooler. I've also never seen it step over 46 degrees while reading and writing, that's a. Feb 19, 2020  Stay away from cotton – it holds moisture but not body heat; Don’t forget your head, hands and feet! Since blood flow stays concentrated in your core, your extremities can be more susceptible to the cold. Hats, gloves, warm socks and weatherproof footwear with good traction are recommended for outdoor cold-weather activity. An occupational medical monitoring program can identify workers who are at increased risk of heat illness, while maintaining the confidentiality of workers’ health information. When heat hazards are present, workers should receive training about personal factors that can make them more susceptible to heat-related illness. How susceptable to heat dmg are m.2. Jan 27, 2017  We tested MSI’s M.2 “Shield” in a Z270 Gaming Pro Carbon to validate whether the marketing made any sense, and found that, minimally, the shield is. Jan 13, 2020  In pediatrics, doses ≥12 g/m 2 (IV) are associated with a high emetic potential, while a 5 g/m 2 (IV) dose is associated with a moderate emetic potential (Dupuis 2011; Paw Cho Sing 2019); doses ≥250 mg/m 2 (IV) in adults are associated with moderate emetic potential. Antiemetics may be recommended to prevent nausea and vomiting.

Normal shotsHeadshots

Headshots will also make a slightly different sound feedback than a regular shot, it will have a slight 'ting' to it as well.

The following lists all the heroes and their abilities and whether or not they headshot:

Offensive Hero Ability Headshots

Attack HeroesAbilityHeadshots?Notes


Fan of BladesYES
Swift Strikeno
DeflectYESProjectiles deflected can headshot.
Dragonblade (Ult)


Peacekeeper (Fan-fire)no

Rocket Launcher

Concussive Blastno

Hellfire Shotguns

Death Blossom
Soldier 76

Heavy Pulse Rifle

Helix Rocketsno
Tactical Visor

Machine Pistol


Pulse Pistols

Pulse Bomb
When Tracer sticks a Pulse Bomb on an enemy it will do an immediate 5 damage (before the explosion). This initial 'stick' can do critical damage of 10 instead of 5 if stuck to the head area. The actual explosion cannot crit.

Defensive Hero Ability Headshots

Defense HeroesAbilityHeadshots?Notes


Tank (Ult)

Storm Bow

Sonic ArrowYES
Scatter ArrownoInitial arrow can headshot, but the Scatter Arrows won't.
Initial arrow can headshot, but the Dragon won't.

Frag Launcher

Concussion Mineno
Steel Trapno

Endothermic Blaster


Rivet Gun

Rivet Gun (Alt-Fire)YES
Forge Hammerno

Widow's Kiss: Assault

Widow's Kiss: SniperYES Sniper shots do x2.5 damage to headshots.
Venom Mine

Tank Hero Ability Headshots

Tank HeroesAbilityHeadshots?

Mech: Fusion Cannons

Mech: Self-Destructno
Pilot: Light Gun

Rocket Hammer

Fire Strikeno
Earth Shatter

Scrap Gun

Scrap Gun (Alt-fire)YES
Chain Hookno
Whole Hog

Tesla Cannon

Primal Rage

Partical Cannon

Partical Cannon (Alt-Fire)no
Graviton Surge

Support Hero Ability Headshots

Support HeroesAbilityHeadshots?
Biotic Rifleno
Sleep Dartno
Biotic Grenadeno

Sonic Amplifier


Caduseaus Blaster


Proton Projector

Proton Projector (Orbs)no
Sentry Turret

Orb of Destruction

Orb of Destruction (Alt-Fire)

Most of the headshot areas in the game are very obvious, the only ones a bit less obvious are and a Bastion Sentry.'s Headshot Area:

Bastion Sentry's Headshot Area:

Please note that Bastion's Tank Form (ultimate) does not have a headshot area.

Overwatch Basics Guide Menu
Overwatch Hero Introductions - Basics Guide
How the Mechanics Work in Overwatch
How Headshots Work In Overwatch
Overwatch Game Modes Overview
Overwatch Health Types & Hitpoint Basics
Overwatch Terms, Abbreviations, & Their Meanings

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Other Guides
Easiest and Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master
My Hotkey Bindings For Overwatch & Why I Use Them

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